
Practical Learning

 For practical learning last term we learned how to  sew our headphones bags by sewing by hand. I chose these patterns  because I love the colours of it. The part I found the trickiest was  when I kept having knots  in the thread. The part I  enjoyed the most was when I learned how to hand sew and when I was  finished with my bag. I am proud of my headphone bag.

Cross Country

  This was last Tuesday all of the 10 and 11 year olds girls getting ready to run but some of us are striking poses.That is me in the green top by Phoebe and Gemma. We are getting ready to run in my getting ready to run pose. To be honest it was very tiring and I was very terrified, scared and nervous because I was very scared that people would make fun of what I come in cross-country but I try my best to not be made fun of. The first thing I heard when he started running was some boys cheering for me and saying  ''Go Kini Go". At the end of my run I was so puffed that I needed to drink a lot of ice cold water. It was so fun and I cannot wait for next years cross country... bring it on!

Fact or Fiction

Here are my three paragraphs describing my holiday experience.Can you guess which are Fact or Fiction?

Word Cloud - Water

  The words that I used was rain,  clear, glassy, crystal, fluid, fresh, sparkling, inviting, cool, cold, refreshing, turbulent, serene, wild, thunderous, frothy, bubbly, quenching,  shower,  drinking, wai, blue, warm and refreshing. I wrote all of these words because to me, it describes water.

Water Cycle

In room 15 We had to get Ziplock bag and a black sharpie so we can draw a sun clouds and the ocean. Then we had to put  in the tap water.  Afterwards  we put water in our bag then we had to put food colouring in that was blue. Then we put red tape so we can stick it to a sunny window. We then waited until the water started to  evaporate into the clouds. Then the water turned into condensation before it dripped down. It collected back at the bottom of the bag. The cycle goes on and on. Evaporation: Evaporation means the process of turning from liquid into a gas from the suns heat. Condensation: Condensation means the process when the water gas in the air is changed into liquid water. Precipitation: Precipitation means  rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls on the ground. Collection: Collection means when the water collects in a place.                            ...


This term we did hockey and it was only for our class which was for  girls only. Now I am loving hockey and I am ready to learn more challenging skills with He Puna Kawenga.

Proud Moment

On 15th of January 2019 my family and I went to Hamilton to race in the national Waka Ama. My  team the midgets qualified in the regions. It was a 3 hr drive and I was super exhausted. On the next day my team and I  was nervous for our first race, as I as grab the paddle my hands were shaking and my body was making me feel like I was about to faint. As the race started I was paddling. "Whoosh whoosh" as we were paddling. All the fear disappeared, we believed in each other and we gained the bronze medal. I was super happy that all the hard work me and my girls did, it gave us a good result.